Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Many Recumbents Should I Own?

I have had 1, 2, 3, and four recumbents at various times. Concluded more than two requires too much maintenance time/cost and storage space. With more than two, bents sit around unused, taking up space and I feel as if I have wasted money. For the enthusiast, one isn't enough for a variety of reasons, including the need for a backup when the main ride is out-of-commission.

My conclusion -- two is the right number, a trike and a two-wheeler. My trike gets ridden the most because it is the most fun. I can do hours of carefree cruising in the country while listening to my iPod and/or doing solo Centuries, etc. The trike has gotten me involved with Georgia Trikers, a great group of trike riders. Trike groups are fun and provide a whole new experience, like trike pacelines and that "we are all oddballs" feeling. My two wheeler is there when I want to conform, go fast, socialize, and keep up with someone else who is on two wheels. I also love fast group rides on two wheels, an experience I wouldn't get if I only had a trike.

So, my recommendation is to buy two of the best recumbents you can afford and consider one trike and one bike.

But, you can get many other perspectives on this issue here.


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