I am trying to divide my training between cardiovascular (mainly cycling), stretching, intense sprinting, and strength training. This week was complicated by some upper respiratory problems. I am not sure whether I had a cold or suffered from Fall allergies. My sinuses were very congested, had a runny nose, and felt tired all week. Nevertheless, I completed part of my training plan, which is to multi-task, doing four strength training, 3-4 four stretching routines, and four cardio workouts per week. I plan two of the cardio workouts to be intense, including intervals and sprinting.
On Monday, I rode at Cartersville with two friends. We left from the Budweiser Brewery and rode about 36 miles. It was a cool and windy day. We had a nice ride of moderate effort. On Tuesday, I had planned an upper body workout in my home gym, but decided to take the day off and rest. I did the upper body/abs workout on Wednesday, together with 1/2 hour on the indoor recumbent trainer. On Thursday I did a short but intense Sprint 8 workout on the recumbent trainer, and on Saturday I did a lower body workout. I did a complete stretching routine on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
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